Shodair Children’s Miracle Network Champion 2023: Brooke Glennon

From Shodair’s website:
The champion program has been raising awareness about the importance of children’s hospitals and Shodair has been participating since the late 1990’s. Glennon joins a long list of children who become champions of their struggles and voices for thousands helped by Shodair’s services.

Glennon’s depression began with the passing of her father. It was a few years after that she began to become more and more withdrawn, explosively angry, and openly suicidal expressing the desire to go “be with her dad.” She had three stays at Shodair Children’s Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in Helena, about an hour up the interstate from the mining city. Each time Brooke got a little more of what she needed to be emotional stable. Her ability to identify and talk about her feelings; engage in healthy activities like karate. Each stay at Shodair helped and she committed a little more with the treatment plan individually development for her specifically.  Brooke has done all the hard wok to become the healthy, vivacious young lady she is today, and the professionals at Shodair helped along the way.


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